The featured image at left shows the 3 surviving Cole girls around 1900 – Ivy Diamond at top, Pearl Adelia centre and Ada Belinda below. Their sister, Ruby Angelina, died ten years earlier in 1890.
Most images are from the private collections of Pearl Cole and Ivy’s husband, Rupert Rudd, and, as far as possible, are presented in date order with undated images ‘guestimated’.
Any comments or corrections are welcome through the Contact Page.

1. 1857: Eliza Frances Jordan. Pearl Cole collection.

2. 1860: Eliza Frances Jordan. Pearl has written on the back ‘Before marriage.’
Pearl Cole collection.

3. 1860: Richard Cole, EW Cole’s brother. Pearl Cole collection.

4. 1865: John Watson, EW Cole’s half brother. Note Pearl’s annotation in pencil at top ‘John Watson Esq.’ Pearl Cole collection.

5. 1868: Eliza Frances Jordan. Pearl Cole collection.

6. 1870: Eliza Frances Jordan. Pearl Cole collection.

7. 1877: The Cole’s first child – Ada Belinda Cole.
Her initials ABC caused her parents to say that they were working their way through the alphabet! Pearl Cole collection.

8. 1886: Family portrait taken in the ornament section (top floor) of the Book Arcade. This would have been near the apartment the Cole’s lived in through access to the neighboring building to the west of the Arcade. Our best guess is from left, Edward William Charles Cole held by Eliza, Ruby Angelina (with Cole’s hand on her left shoulder), Ada Belinda (holding doll) and Valentine Francis Cole.
Pearl Cole collection.

9. 1886: Ruby Angelina Cole. Pearl Cole collection.

10. 1888: Linda Cole, unnamed bear and Ruby Cole. Pearl Cole collection.

11. 1895: EW Cole with Ivy Cole, from inside front cover of album kept by Ivy’s husband-to-be Rupert Rudd. Rupert Rudd collection.

12. 1900: Val Cole portrait taken at Cole’s Studio, Book Arcade Melbourne.
Pearl Cole collection.

13. 1902: Ivy Cole’s husband-to-be Rupert Rudd, portrait taken in South Africa during Boer War. Pearl Cole collection.

14. 1903: Taken during trip to Japan. Eliza Cole in studio portrait riding a rickshaw.
Pearl Cole collection.

15. 1903: Taken during return from trip to Japan.
Back row: Third from left Ivy Cole holding a Japanese poodle named Wai – short for White Australia Impossible. Fifth from left: Linda Cole.
Front row: Ship’s captain flanked by Eliza and EW Cole.
State Library of Victoria collection.

16. 1905: Linda Cole with her father in his office at the Book Arcade.
Pearl Cole collection.

17. 1905: From left: Ivy Cole, family friend Karl Venediger and Pearl Cole in portrait taken at Cole’s Studio, Book Arcade. Pearl Cole collection.

18. 1908: Trip to Japan. Pearl Cole in kimono on left at rear. Count Wantabe seated at front. Rupert Rudd collection.

19. 1908: Trip to Japan. Pearl Cole in right hand rickshaw at Hotel Metropole.
Rupert Rudd collection.

20. 1908: Trip to Japan. Pearl Cole at left. Rupert Rudd collection.

21. 1910: Mr Cole in His Private Office. From the Henry Williams collection lodged at the State Library of Victoria.

22. January 13th, 1912: Pearl in Front Hall of Earlesbrae. Rupert Rudd collection.

23. 1912: Ivy left holds Wai, Pearl with bulldog, EW Cole in distance on porch, and rainbow garden just planted.
Photo taken by Charlie Probert. Rupert Rudd collection.

24. 1912: Kneeling Ivy holds dog, Wai and bulldog on chair next to Pearl. EW reads in the distance. Photo by Charlie Probert. Rupert Rudd collection.

25. 1912: Family group in front of Earlesbrae. From left: Linda Cole, Val Cole, Ivy Cole, Alice Cole, her husband Edward William Charles Cole and Pearl Cole.
EW Cole seated next to Lorna Cole, daughter of Edward and Alice Cole.
Pearl Cole collection.

26. 1912: Stereograph of EW Cole in his study at the Book Arcade. Pearl Cole collection.

27. 1912: EW Cole in his study/library at Earlesbrae. Pearl Cole collection.

28. 1912: Stereograph of Ivy and kookaburra at Earlesbrae. Pearl Cole collection.

29. 1912: Close up of kookaburra. Pearl Cole collection.

30. 1913: Pearl Cole. Pearl Cole collection.

31. January 4, 1914: EW Cole’s 82nd birthday. Standing from left: Rupert Rudd, Alice Cole, [?], Ivy Cole, WT Pyke, [?], [?].
Seated from left: [?], [?], Edward William Jnr, E. W. Cole, Val Cole, [?], [?.]
On grass: Linda Cole, Lorna Cole, daughter of Edward and Alice.
Rupert Rudd collection.

32. January 4, 1914: EW Cole’s 82nd birthday.
Standing from left: Edward William Jnr., Alice, Val.
Seated Linda, EW, Ivy holding Wai.
On grass, Lorna and bulldog. Rupert Rudd collection.

33. May, 1914: Pearl’s note on back: ‘Ivy Lin and myself and car laden just before a 90 mile run one Sunday morning, May 1914.’ Pearl Cole collection.

34. January 1915: EW Cole 83rd birthday portrait. Pearl Cole collection.
35. 1915: Earlesbrae group: Standing Ivy, Alice. Seated: Val, EW, Edward Jnr. Front: Linda, Lorna and Pearl. Rupert Rudd collection.

36. January 27, 1916: EWC off to work. Rupert Rudd collection.

37. February 1, 1916: EWC boards his brougham. Rupert Rudd collection.

38. February 2, 1916: ‘The Studebaker’. Rupert Rudd collection.

39. February 6, 1916: Earlesbrae photo by Lew Hoffman. Rupert Rudd collection.

40. February 6, 1916: Front porch Earlesbrae. From left: [?] , Linda, Rupert Rudd, [?] , Amy ffrench (Rupert’s mother), Ivy, [?] , [?].
Photo by Lew Hoffman. Rupert Rudd collection.

41. February 16, 1916: Ivy with Rupert at rear with 3 unidentified friends.
Photo by Lew Hoffman. Rupert Rudd collection.

42. February 16, 1916: Earlesbrae. Photo by Mrs. Lutes. Rupert Rudd collection.

43. March 3, 1916: Series of two photos: ‘EWC in his carriage and …’

44. ‘… ready for town.’ Rupert Rudd collection.

45. March 9, 1916: ‘The Clement-Bayard.’ Note hand retouching.
Rupert Rudd collection.

46. April 16, 1916: Series of two photos: ‘Picnic at Thomson River Cowwarr.’

47. Note EWC in top hat at rear. Rupert Rudd collection.

48. April 21, 1916: ‘Ivy’s sweep.’ Rupert Rudd collection.

49. April 23, 1916: Series of two photos. EWC and possibly Ivy’s mother-in-law Amy ffrench.

50. ‘Off to the Morgans’. Ivy now has joined the other two. Rupert Rudd collection.

51. June 17, 1916: Ivy’s in wedding dress for marriage to Rupert Clarke ffrench Rudd, Earlesbrae.

52. August 10, 1916: From left: Ivy’s mother-in-law Amy ffrench, Pearl and Ivy reclining with puppy ‘Rastus‘ in lap. Rupert and Ivy’s twin girls, Ruby and Frances, had both died a week before this photo was taken. Rupert Rudd collection.

53. October 1, 1916: Rupert with puppy ‘Rastus‘. Rupert Rudd collection.

54. 84th Birthday
Series of photos and portraits of Cole family on the occasion of Cole’s 84th birthday, taken from a booklet assembled by Henry Williams. Pearl Cole collection.

55. Williams’s caption: ‘Friends.’

56. Williams’s caption: “EARLESBRAE HALL” Mr. Cole’s Private Residence.

57. Eddy Cole

58. Eliza Cole

59. Williams’s caption: Mr. E.W. COLE and his Dog.

60. Mr. E. W COLE

61. Ivy Cole

62. Linda Cole. Williams’s caption: Miss COLE.

63. Pearl Cole

64. Ruby Cole

65. Val Cole

66. 1916: Stereograph of EWC in front drive and rainbow garden. Pearl Cole collection.

67. 1916 Earlesbrae front garden. Rupert Rudd collection.
68. 1916: Stereograph of Earlesbrae front gates. Pearl Cole collection.

69. 1916: Earlesbrae. From left: Linda, Val, Ivy, EWC seated, Alice, Lorna, Eddy and Pearl.
Pearl Cole collection.

70. 1916: Family connections confirm this is not Henry Williams and his wife, as thought. Possibly Charles White, Trustee, Bank Manager and friend of Cole’s, and his wife. Pearl Cole collection.

71. 1916: Earlesbrae. From left standing: Eddy, Alice, Linda, Ivy. Seated: Pearl, Lorna, EWC, Val. State Library of Victoria collection.

72. 1916: The fleet. Rupert Rudd collection.

73. April 1, 1917: Rupert Rudd study at Earlesbrae. Rupert Rudd collection.

74. April 29, 1917: The pumpkin crop, Earlesbrae. Rupert Rudd collection.

75. June 26 1917: From left: Ivy, Pearl, EWC, Amy ffrench (Ivy’s mother-in-law).
Rupert has written next to photo: ‘First Photos with new Goerz Dagor Lens, 26.6.17. Noon. V Dull. 12’6″ (Plate), 1/50, F11.’
Rupert Rudd collection.

76. September 19, 1917: ‘Alcove in Drawing Room,’ Earlesbrae. Rupert Rudd collection.

77. October 9, 1917: E. W. Cole. Rupert Rudd collection.

78. October 10, 1917: Pearl and Ivy at breakfast, Earlesbrae. Rupert Rudd collection.

79. October 10,1917: Windows in Hall, Earlesbrae. Rupert Rudd collection. Note oil painting just visible through balustrade. See photo 97 below.

80. December 12, 1917: Sweet Peas in Earlesbrae garden. Rupert Rudd collection.

81. December 14, 1917 Sweet Peas in Earlesbrae garden. Rupert Rudd collection.

82. 1917: Earlesbrae garden. EWC holding flower posy, Rupert Rudd seated on running board, W.T. Pyke and unknown gentleman. Rupert Rudd collection.

83. 1917: Earlesbrae garden. W.T. Pyke and EWC. Rupert Rudd collection.

84. 1917: Linda (or possibly Pearl) in Earlesbrae garden. Rupert Rudd collection.

85. 1917: Pearl, EWC and Ivy off for a trip. Rupert Rudd collection.

86. March 5, 1918: EWC with William Antony Cole Rudd – Rupert and Ivy’s third born child. Rupert Rudd collection.

87. March 5, 1918: Rupert Rudd with his son, William Antony Cole. Rupert Rudd collection.

88. April 13, 1918: Rupert Rudd at Earlesbrae. Rupert Rudd collection.

89. May 10, 1918: EWC feeding the birds. Rupert Rudd collection.

90. October, 1918: Ivy and EWC at Earlesbrae. Rupert Rudd collection.

91. November 6, 1918: ‘Best bedroom, Earlesbrae.’ Rupert Rudd collection.

92. December, 1918: Postcard from ‘Pearlie’. Reverse: ‘Just to wish you Happiness Health and Prosperity in the Coming Year; right from the start to finish. On the other side you will see Father, myself some country visitors and our home. Have just come home to-day from the “Camp” the weather has been horrid all the week. Are the boys home yet? I expect to hear all the news as promised. Pearlie.’
Pearl Cole collection.

93. December 8, 1918: Pearl at Earlesbrae. [Photo taken 8 days prior to EWC’s death.] Rupert Rudd collection.

94. December 17, 1918: EWC’s Funeral Cortege. Rupert Rudd collection.

95. December 3, 1919: Earlesbrae furniture auction. Rupert Rudd collection.

96. 1919: Earlesbrae front garden. Rupert holds son William on left side of photo while Ivy stands on driveway at rear. ‘Mr. Cherry’s Photograph.’
Rupert Rudd collection.

97. 1920: The Great Tichborne Trial, oil painting by Nathan Hughes. This large oil painting was displayed at the landing of the staircase in the entrance hall at Earlesbrae. The painting was 10’6″ (3.2m) wide and 7′ (2.1m) high. It can be seen in situ in the photograph of the entrance hall as it appeared in the Earlesbrae sale brochure, on page 3 (see Chronology item 299). It is also just visible in photo 79 above, behind the balustrade and below the three stained-glass windows. It was sold as part of the Earlesbrae furniture sale as item 380, under ‘Valuable Oil Paintings’ (see Chronology item 300, page 15). The painting is described as follows:
380. CELEBRATED HISTORICAL OIL PAINTING, “The Great Tichborne Trial,” in Massive Gilt Frame, with key, by Nathan Hughes, 10ft. 6 in. x 7ft. This famous painting, taken from life, portrays the criminal trial of Arthur Orton, Claimant of the Tichborne Estates. The trial lasted 188 days, and cost, with the previous trial, about £200,000. Sir Alexander Cockburn, the Lord Chief Justice of England presided, and summed up in an eloquent and able speech of 20 days’ duration, and ended by remarking to the Jury this it was “the most remarkable trial that had ever occurred in the annals of England.” The Claimant was convicted of Wilful and Corrupt Perjury on more than 20 points and sentenced to fourteen years imprisonment, on Saturday February 28th, 1874. He was liberated from gaol in 1884, and died in obscurity and great poverty at Marylebone, London, April 2nd, 1898. SPECIAL NOTE. – This painting has been exhibited all over the world; an admission charge of 1/- has earned £14,000 in revenue.
The Claimant was in fact a butcher living in Wagga Wagga under the name of Tom Castro. The painting was donated in 1953 by Mr. E. H. Kinnear (of Kinnear’s ropes) to the Riverina Wagga Wagga City Council where it hangs to this day in their council chambers. This image was supplied, and reproduced by courtesy of, the Riverina Wagga Wagga City Council. It is unknown if the Kinnear family bought the painting in 1920 but whoever it was, they paid £36 for it.

98. April 17, 1923: Rupert Rudd in office at Arcade. Rupert Rudd collection.

99. December 1923: Christmas card from Henry Williams to Rupert Rudd, who were both trustees of Cole’s estate. Reverse reads: ‘To RR with my deepest wishes for a Happy Xmas, Harry.’ Rupert Rudd collection.

100. December 1923: Second card from Henry Williams to Rupert Rudd. Reverse reads: ‘To RR Merry Xmas.’ Rupert Rudd collection.

101. November 1, 1927: ‘Pearl ready for the Melbourne Cup.’ Rupert Rudd collection.

102. 1947: Alice Cole, Ivy Rudd, possibly John Ruel and Pearl Cole at the races.
Rupert Rudd collection.

103. 1957: John Ruel, Pearl Cole and George Sanderson seated. On the grass, four children of William Rudd, Rupert and Ivy’s son. The author is seated at right, wearing glasses and a Davy Crockett cap. William Rudd collection.
Cole Family Grave at Kew

104. 1915: Cole Family Grave at Kew. Pearl Cole Collection.
105. 2017: Series of photos of Cole Family Grave at Kew prior to restoration.
Author collection.

106. 2017: Partial restoration. William Rudd, born at Earlesbrae, son of Rupert and Ivy and the author’s father is at left. Author collection.

107. 2019: Restoration complete. Comparison of burial records with headstones revealed two Coles were buried without a headstone so the Pearl Cole and Eva Cole (wife of Val Cole) headstone below is new. Author collection.

Together again.
108. Rudd Family Grave at Melbourne General Cemetery

Rupert and Ivy’s son William Antony Cole Rudd at their grave. Author collection.