Book of Frauds and Overcharges.
Showing How the Multitudes of Liberal Unsuspicious People
are Swindled Every Day.
Different Kinds of Frauds: —
It is a Fraud to sell a few pence worth of stuff for £10, £20, £30, or £50 to trusting persons under the pretense that it will cure habitual drunkenness.
It is a Fraud to take £10, £20, £30, £50 or £100 per patient, to the total of thousands of pounds a month, under the pretence of curing by electricity.
It is a Fraud to pay a Farthing in the Pound, and then live on the fat of the land while the poor creditors are honestly striving to pay twenty shillings in the pound. Judge Moleworth, sitting in the Insolvent Court on March 17, 1893, spoke as follows on the subject:
“I consider it a perfect farce to compel creditors to accept a farthing in the pound and to allow the debtor to walk out of this court free . . . I think it a cruel wrong to compel a minority of creditors to accept a farthing in the pound when they object to it, and to allow their debtor to drive up to this court , perhaps in his carriage, and drive away a free man.” Argus.
The above are specimens of some frauds lately perpetrated in Melbourne, and it behoves the general public to be more cautious to prevent their constant repetition.
Above is the text of the front cover of Cole’s book shown at left. This is followed by the Contents page showing:
PAGE 1 – Introduction
PAGE 10 – Dr. Jukes’ Full Description and Warm Recommendation of the LARGE ENEMA PRACTICE 50 years before “Dr.” Wilfred Hall’s contemptible Bond-of-Secrecy Pamphlet appeared pretending to reveal it.
PAGE 51 – “Dr.” Wilfred Hall’s Pound Pamphlet WORD for WORD. The enema practice (followed rationally) is not a fraud, but “Dr.” Hall’s assertion that he DISCOVERED it is a wilful falsehood, and his Pound Pamphlet, sold to the trusting public under a bond-of-secrecy is an OUTRAGEOUS FRAUD.
PAGE 93 – Account of 20 other BOND-OF-SECRECY FRAUDS sold in America.
PAGE 104 – 40 much advertised PATENT REMEDIES analysed and the outrageous OVERCHARGING FRAUD exposed.
PAGE 111 – The CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS Bond-of-Secrecy FRAUD and 20 of the best remedies given.
A 194MB .pdf of the 133 page book is available here. The back cover of this publication is an advertisement for another of Cole’s publications – Advice of Ten Doctors – where Cole sought professional opinions from doctors on “Dr.” Hall’s cure. The 13 chapters to this book are:
Ch 1: “Dr.” WILFRED HALL, on the Enema Cure
Ch 2: Mr. ROOT, on the Enema Cure
Ch 3: Dr. FAIRCHILD, on the Enema Cure
Ch 4: Dr. WILD, on the Enema Cure
Ch 5: Professor KIRK, on the Enema Cure
Ch 6: Dr. KELLOGG, on the Enema Cure and on Quacks and Quackeries in America including “Dr.” Hall
Ch 7: Dr. TRALL, on the Water Cure
Ch 8: Dr. CUTLER, on the Hot Water Cure
Ch 9: Mrs. WALLACE, on the Hot Water Enema Cure
Ch 10: Dr. JACKSON, on the Sun Cure
Ch 11: Dr. W. H. HALL, on the Exercise, Pure Air & Diet Cure
Ch 12: Dr. KELLOGG, on Alcohol and Tobacco
Ch 13: “Professor” * * * *, on the Laugh Cure
An 11MB .pdf of the 296 page book is available here.

At left, page 51 of Cole’s Book of Frauds and Overcharges showing a copy of “Dr.” Hall’s Bond-of-Secrecy and at right, the back cover promoting Cole’s earlier publication Advice of Ten Doctors.